Your Coffee Questions, Answered

Your Coffee Questions, Answered

Welcome, caffeine adventurers, to the blog article where your coffee questions will be answered. Everyone has questions when it comes to coffee. Luckily, we’ve got answers. Grab a cup (or two), and let’s spill the beans on the most asked coffee questions.


1. What is the difference between espresso and coffee?

Espresso is coffee, but not all coffee is espresso. Think of espresso as coffee’s intense, overachieving sibling—bold, strong, and ready to fuel you with a punch of caffeine (unless it’s decaf). Espresso is brewed by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee at high pressure, resulting in a rich, concentrated shot. Espresso is used to make drinks like lattes, macchiatos, flat whites, americanos, and cappuccinos.

Regular coffee? It’s more laid-back, brewed by methods like drip, French press, or pour-over. It is much less concentrated. Both are great, just serve different purposes and uses. Regular coffee can be made as iced coffee, cold brew, or your typical drip coffee. No fancy lattes with regular coffee, just down to business with a straight up classic cup of coffee. However, there is no lack of options when it comes to regular coffee. Coffee roasters often have a wide selection of coffee beans available from all over the world that can strongly influence your morning experience. From single origins to blends to flavored beans, you won’t be disappointed when you take a chance on a coffee roastery.


2. What’s the best way to brew coffee at home?

The best way is the one that produces coffee that you love the taste of, that you enjoy the experience of, and that makes sense for your day to day life. Do you have the time and patience to brew a pour over coffee every morning? Or would you rather set the automatic timer on a standard drip coffee brewer? Both ways will make a great cup of coffee (with the right beans), but they will give different experiences. Experiment with what works for you, and once you find your favorite beans and method, your morning coffee ritual will become something you look forward to everyday!

Do you really want to dive deep into the world of at-home barista-ing? Invest in an espresso machine, a grinder, and some quality coffee beans and you can whip up some cafe quality lattes, macchiatos, and other espresso drinks with a bit of practice!

Pro tip: Use freshly roasted beans (like ours) and filtered water. AND grind your beans fresh if you can! Whole beans hold freshness longer than pre-ground, so grinding them right before use is a great way to not only extend the great taste of your coffee, but make each cup of coffee you make a delicious flavorful cup!


3. How do I make latte art at home?

In order to make true latte art, you’ll need an espresso machine with the capability to froth milk at a temperature of around 160 degrees fahrenheit. You’ll also need a milk pitcher specifically for frothing. Once you’ve got the right equipment, you can start your journey of learning to do latte art.

Step one: Watch a thousand YouTube videos. 

Step two: Cry a little when your heart ends up looking like a blob. 

Step three: Practice, practice, practice again

At our cafe, we get a jug of milk specifically for latte art practice! (Don’t worry, we don’t waste, we just over caffeinate) The trick lies in frothing your milk to silky perfection and pouring it slowly into your espresso.

Here are a few tips from our baristas: 

  • Use the spout of the milk pitcher as a guide, rest your steam wand on it

  • Your frothed milk should look like wet paint

  • When pouring your latte art, keep your cup you’re pouring into at an angle until the very end when you finish your pour

  • Especially when practicing, use whole milk. Whole milk gives the best milk consistency for latte art. Once you get it down, you can try alternate milks if preferred.

Remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination. (But if your art turns out Instagram-worthy, invite us over…and tag us)


4. Does coffee expire?

Technically, coffee doesn’t “expire”—it just gets sad and stale. Whole beans last longer than ground coffee, especially if stored in an airtight container away from light and heat. For best flavor, use beans within 3-4 weeks of roasting. At Coffé Amor, we roast to order, so when your beans arrive at your doorstep, they were roasted just days before! Grocery store coffee…that’s another story. Who knows how long that coffee has been sitting on a shelf..yikes.


5. What’s the best coffee for beginners?

The start of a coffee journey can be intimidating. Whether you’re beginning to put together a coffee routine at home, or simply looking to become a regular at your local coffee shop, there are a lot of options. Check out our blog about decoding coffee shop menus if the latter applies to you. 

If you’re looking to start your at-home routine, start with something smooth and low-acid, like a medium roast. Our beginner's recommendation? A trusty medium roasted Peruvian or a blend that whispers, “Hey there…welcome to the club.” Our Peruvian is smooth & mild, with notes of milk chocolate, orange, and red apple! Flavor notes are natural and subtle, and are a result of many factors surrounding where the coffee is grown. Our house blend: Amor Blend has a hint of brightness, with notes of rich cocoa & chocolate and a perfectly smooth nuttiness and is a great blend for those starting their exploration of the coffee world!


6. Can you drink coffee while pregnant?

The short answer: Yes, but in moderation. Consult your doctor for details. This is not medical advice. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says up to 200 mg of caffeine per day is generally safe for most pregnancies. However, caffeine content can vary in coffees, so always be cautious when consuming. That said, decaf exists, and when roasted right, it can taste just as good as regular! For real! Our Colombian Decaf not only makes a great drip low caffeine option, but it’s what we use in our cafe for decaf espresso!


7. Why does my coffee taste bitter?

Bitter coffee usually means over-extraction. Try adjusting your brewing time or using a coarser grind. And if you’re still getting a bitter brew, it might be your beans. You don’t deserve low quality, stale coffee. Make sure you use quality coffee beans, and follow the best brewing methods. Local coffee roasters provide the freshest option when it comes to coffee beans with lots of options to fit your taste preferences!


8. Is cold brew better than iced coffee?

It depends! Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours, resulting in a smoother, less acidic taste. Iced coffee, on the other hand, is regular coffee that’s brewed hot and then chilled. Love depth and smoothness? Cold brew’s your clear choice. Craving simplicity? Iced coffee is the way to go. Conduct a fun experiment and try both methods with the same beans and see which you like better!


9. How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

An average 8-ounce cup contains about 95 mg of caffeine, but it varies. Espresso shots pack roughly 63 mg per ounce, while decaf has 2-5 mg. Coffee shops may use different amounts of espresso in their espresso based drinks as well. But some cafes can make your drink "half caf" (half regular espresso/half decaf) if you’re worried about it! Know your limits, consume with caution, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine!


Need more coffee in your life? Swing by our website to order fresh coffee beans online. We’re here to caffeinate your day, answer your questions, and elevate your coffee experience!

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